Color Of the Roof And What They Say About You

The color of your roof says a lot about you as a homeowner. It can reveal your personality, sense of style, and political leanings. Here is a quick guide to the most popular roofing colors and what they say about you.

Red Roofs

If you have a red roof, chances are you’re a passionate person who loves to make a statement. You’re probably not afraid of a little (or a lot) of color in your life. You might be an extrovert who loves to entertain or simply enjoy having visitors in your home. Either way, you’re likely the life of the party. 

Green Roofs 

Homeowners with green roofs are usually nature lovers who appreciate the outdoors. You might like to garden or spend time hiking or camping. You care about the environment and try to live an eco-friendly lifestyle. You’re probably peaceful and relaxed, but don’t be surprised if you have a bit of an impish streak. 

Brown Roofs 

Brown roofs are most popular in more conservative areas of the country. If you have a brown roof, chances are you’re a traditionalist who prefers classic styles over trendier options. You might be a bit of a homebody, but that doesn’t mean you don’t enjoy entertaining guests from time to time. Family is important to you, and you’re probably very close with your neighbors. 

Black Roofs 

A black roof means you’re not afraid to take risks. You probably have a unique taste that leans toward the more eccentric end of the spectrum. You’re confident and comfortable in your own skin. And while you might prefer to keep to yourself, you’re also fiercely loyal to those close to you. 

Orange Roofs 

An orange roof signifies a fun-loving homeowner who enjoys life to the fullest. You’re probably creative and outgoing, with a great sense of humor. You enjoy spending time with friends and family, and you’re always up for a good time. Life is an adventure, and you’re along for the ride.  

Yellow Roofs 

A yellow roof means you’re an optimist who always sees the glass as half full. You’re cheerful and upbeat, with a sunny disposition. You enjoy being surrounded by people, and you’re probably the life of any party. You’re also helpful and compassionate, always ready to lend a hand to those in need. 

Blue Roofs  

A blue roof is a sign of a tranquil homeowner. You’re probably reflective and thoughtful, with a deep appreciation for the simple things in life. You might prefer to stay home than go out, but that doesn’t mean you don’t enjoy the company of others. You’re a good listener and an even better friend. 


There’s no wrong answer when choosing the color of your roof – it’s entirely up to personal preference. However, it’s interesting to note that the color of your roof can say a lot about your personality as a homeowner. So, if you’re ever in doubt, just ask yourself – what does my roof say about me?

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